
Why Voice-based UI Design is the Best for Your Business

Currently, there are numerous UIs or User Interfaces designed to go with various users in different ways of interaction. These UI encompass everything and we generally take things for granted like keyboards and the computer screen to sophisticated technologies, like the motion-based UI – Xbox Kinect. Having said that, technologies sprung into lives easily but the adaptability rate of the technology is based on the efficiency and making the UI more humane. Image Credits: ShutterStock…

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How Machine Learning is Bringing a Revolution in the Software Development Paradigm

Machine learning – can it be used for the development of traditional software development lifecycle? Since AI and other techniques have been increasingly becoming popular as key components in the development of modern software developments. Having said that, in such case, the fusion of AI & Machine Learning seems a more likely future. According to the University of Gothenburg paper, since Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are constantly being broken down and can be easily…

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Website Design

7 Business Advantages of Responsive Web Design

Responsive websites go a longer way in building your brand name right in the market. It is a development technique that displays content according to the screen you’re accessing the website on. Because of the increasing usage of smartphones and the growing viewership and engagement on it, responsive web designs are essential for every brand. Image Credits: DYNO Mapper Especially built for the viewers to have an optimised experience of the websites, this technique was…

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Computer Software

Key Differences Between Cloud Based and Web Based ERP System

ERPs or Enterprise Resource Planning system makes the business operations integrated into planning and resource allocation all into one place.This not only helps in the streamlining of all operations but also ends up in making the business more responsive towards the needs and likeness of the consumers. Image Credits: Over these years, cloud-based ERP has become more popular because of several advantages that it has over web-based ERP system, but both of them are…

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