
Emerging IoT Technologies – The New Handsfree Life Options

Human beings have always found methods to gather information and the well-being of other humans or non-living things that they have a connection with. Over time, it ranged from understanding weather patterns for their “carbon-based” crop cycles to emerging IoT technologies in the current century for the silicon-based “things”.

The main concept of safeguarding something just by getting instant information about it has worked as damage control as well as given new innovative pathways to safeguard their concerned vicinity or workspace. The “Internet of Things” most notably has shaped our lives in a dramatic way possible.

Just as non-technical as it sounds, the IoT Technologies are absolutely nothing but a bunch of connected devices (accessories, peripherals, etc.) over a massive network (the internet) giving and gathering information about the overall use of everything. The use of the collected data here is to decrease the number of errors and completely sync the use of these “things” just how people want it to be.

The entry-level of these things have multiple examples. The one that is fascinating people from the Tier 2 cities and is being incorporated significantly in homes in the Virtual Assistant AI system such as Echo, Home, etc. The data that they gather about you ultimately is used to benefit your personal experience in the smoothest way possible.

Emerging IoT Technologies – Boon or Bane?

Being skeptical and anxious is a definite part of human survival. Right from the get-go, there has never been an instance or suggestion that people have applied to their lives without going through a little bit of trial and error, and scrutiny. With consistent feedback, the troubled parts of any new concept being introduced in our lives will recede away.

A better system, be it for anything, is all we want at the end of the day. Similarly, when it comes to the emerging IoT Technologies, people are considerably worried about their data being collected, their behaviors being understood online.

Privacy Policies are quite a thing, yet the surety doesn’t leave people in the right headspace, which is understandable. As we speak, all the possible flaws of getting rid of these fatal, as well as non-fatal issues, are being tackled since it is an AI type system.

The errors and flaws overcome as time progresses. With newer problems, the cycle starts again and never necessarily stops.

So, speaking of IoT Technologies, we have used a ton of them and are still doing it consistently. Some of the common examples are:

  • Industrial Internet of Things
  • Smart Homes
  • Smart Cities
  • Connected Car
  • Connected Health
  • Wearable Accessories
  • Smart Retail and Logistics Tracking
  • Smart Agriculture etc.

As far as India is concerned, we are reaching the stage of fulfilling the requirements for a base-level of implementation of the IoT Technologies. Still, a lot of implementation is required at the grassroots level. Without the proper use of technology as well as a well-understood and applied security system, it is a troublesome area.

As far as emerging IoT Technologies across the world are concerned, here are a few options:

  • IoT Device Management
  • IoT Security
  • IoT Analytics
  • Low-Power, Wide-Area Networks
  • Low-Power, Short-Range IoT Networks
  • IoT Operating Systems
  • IoT Processors
  • IoT Platforms
  • IoT Ecosystems

Some of the options mentioned above are self-explanatory. As we move from the experimentation and beta stages, we will see all of these in action. The simplest of examples that are going to change our lives among the options mentioned above are:

  • 5G Mobile Network Architecture (Unbelievable Network Latency Benefits)
  • Edge Computing (The exact opposite of Cloud Computing)
  • Smart Cities (Convenience of living in your neighborhood)
  • Smart Stores (Automatic Vending Machines etc.)
  • Security Systems (Ransomware Prevention, Home-based Security Systems)

Which of the ones mentioned above have you already tried or are looking forward to shortly? Let us know in the comments section below.

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